
The edit commands is used to modify metadata fields in an existing bittorrent file. Many of the options are the same as those for the create command


Edit bittorrent metafiles.
Usage: torrenttools edit [OPTIONS] target

  target <path>                    Target bittorrent metafile.

  -h,--help                        Print this help message and exit
  -o,--output <path>               Set the filename and/or output directory of the edited file.
                                   Default [<name>.torrent].
                                   This will overwrite the existing file if the name is the same.
                                   Use a path with trailing slash to only set the output directory.
  -m,--list-mode <list-mode>       How to modify options that accept multiple arguments.
                                   Options are: append, prepend, replace. [Default: replace]
                                   The first character of these options is valid as well.
  -a,--announce <url>...           Add one or multiple announces urls.
                                   Multiple trackers will be added in seperate tiers by default.
                                   Use square brackets to groups urls in a single tier:
                                   eg. "url1 [url1 url2]"
  -g,--announce-group <name>...    Add the announce-urls defined from an announce group specified in the configuration file.
                                   Multiple groups can be passed. eg. "--announce-group group1 group2"
  -w,--web-seed <url>...           Add one or multiple HTTP/FTP urls as seeds.
  -d,--dht-node <host:port>...     Add one or multiple DHT nodes.
  -c,--comment <string>            Replace the comment.
                                    Set to an empty string to remove the field.
  -p,--private <[on|off]>          Set the private flag to disable DHT and PEX.
                                   Pass off to disable the flag.
  -s,--source <source>             Replace the source tag.
                                   Set to an empty string to remove the field.
  -n,--name <name>                 Replace the name of the torrent.
                                   This changes the filename for single file torrents
                                   or the root directory name for multi-file torrents.

  --no-creation-date               Do not include the creation date.
  --creation-date <ISO-8601|POSIX time>
                                   Replace the creation date field.
                                   Input is expected as an ISO-8601 or POSIX timestamp.
                                   Example: "2021-01-22T18:21:46+0100"
                                   Set to an empty string to remove the field.
  --no-created-by                  Do not include the name and version of this program.
  --created-by <string>            Replace the created-by field.
                                   Set to an empty string to remove the field.
  --stdout                         Write the edited metafile to the standard output



Set the filename and/or output directory of the edited file. Use a trailing slash to specify the output directory.


Control how the options --announce, --web-seed and dht-node behave. The possible options are: replace, append, prepend or the equivalent r, a, p. The default mode for multi-argument options is replace.

The follow command will append the new tracker at the end of the announce list.

torrenttools edit --list-mode append test.torrent --announce "https://new-announce-server.org/announce"


Edit the announces of a bittorrent metafile.

torrenttools edit test-dir --announce "url1" "url2"

Multiple trackers will be added in seperate tiers by default. Use square brackets to groups urls in a single tier.

torrenttools create test-dir --announce "[url1 url2]"

`` -g,–announce-group``

Add all announces inside a tracker group to the metafile. Thes eopt

torrenttools edit test-dir --announce-group "public-trackers"


Edit the web-seeds of a bittorrent metafile.

-d,--dht-node <host:port>


Replace or remove a comment from a bittorrent metafile.

Pass an empty string to remove an existing comment:

torrenttools edit target.torrent --comment ""


Edit the private flag of a bittorrent metafile. Passing the flag without any arguments or with “on” or 1 will enable the flag. Passing the flag with “off” or 0 will disable the flag.

torrenttools edit public.torrent --private --output private.torrent


Edit the source tag in a bittorrent metafile. This field is used by private trackers to avoid the risk of torrents with the same infohash but different announce-urls. It is set to the name of the tracker for supported trackers.

torrenttools edit test.torrent --source "my tracker"


Replace the name of the torrent. This changes the filename for single file torrents or the root directory name for multi-file torrents.


Do not update the creation date when editing other fields.


Override the value of the creation date field as an ISO-8601 time or POSIX time string.

torrentools edit test-dir --creation-date "2021-01-22T18:21:46+0100"
torrentools edit test-dir --creation-date 1611339706


Do not include the name and version of this program.


Override the value of the created by field.

torrenttools test-dir --created-by "Me"