Design goals
There are a few C++ bencode projects available online but many are limited in scope. The goal of this library is to provide first class support for bencode and to provide all features expected of a modern C++ serialization/deserialization library.
Convenient owning representation of bencoded data with bvalue.
Fast and memory efficient read-only, non-owning representation into stable buffers of bencoded data with bview.
Build-in serialization/deserializaton for most standard containers.
Support for serializing/deserializing to/from user-defined types.
Parse directly to custom types by satisfying the EventConsumer concept.
Throwing and non throwing variants of common functions.
Bencode pointer similar to json pointer.
Compiler support
This library requires C++20. Compiler support is limited to GCC 10 and MinGW-w64 10 at the moment.
This library depends on following projects:
When building tests:
google-benchmark, when building benchmarks
When building benchmarks:
When building documentation:
All dependencies for building tests and benchmarks can be fetched from github using cmake FetchContent during configuration if no local installation is found.